onsdag, november 22, 2006

09 det snöade på mig! min första snö i sverige

ooooooo!!! Anyone that knows me well knows that noise... ooooooo!!! My poor workmates have been hearing it a lot over the past couple of months(...!) How they are coping I have no idea! Well I said that it was going to snow in November (yeh, like I would have any clue whatsoever) and sure enough it did!!! What can I say, my snömätare was spot on! And I absolutely loved it!!! The morning of the 1st of November I was at work and the heavens opened and snowflakes came forth. I have seen snow before as you are all aware but this was my first experience of real snow actually falling from the sky (like definitely a WOW moment...)

It would be no understatement to say that I went a little bit crazy. Whilst everyone else at work was taking cover inside where it was nice and warm I was running around outside like some kind of nutter. Soon after fika (Swedish for coffee break, or actually any kind of break and also any excuse for a break, are you getting my drift...?) I was driving one of the work buggy's to the warehouse with Bennan and there was so much snow getting in my eyes I could hardly see where I was driving! hoo-ya!!! All thoughts of work went right out the window as I was busy making snowballs... yes to throw at ppl of course! Fortunately I didn't let this situation get out of hand and so haven't made any life-long enemies as yet...

I've been crazy busy lately, working heaps averaging like 50 hours per week. I went to see an ice hockey match at Globen with Ludde (that's my flatmate Fredrik's nickname - he managed to get some free tickets as he works there) and his dad Göte, between Djurgården and some other team (I can't remember their name and as one of my bosses - Gugge - declared I'm a Djurgården supporter now so I guess it doesn't matter...!) This was really awesome, ever since I was a kid I've wanted to play ice hockey, but growing up in Brisbane there just wasn't anywhere you could do that... Strangely enough! There were many goals and it was a pretty close match, plenty of rough and tumble and even a bit of biff which is afterall what hockey is all about!

Check out the pics below! Is a pity I didn't manage to take more of the absolutely beautiful Autumn, the red and yellow leaves are simply stunning. The snow melted long ago but it's still been a little chilly and it's raining, raining, raining a lot of the time but apparently this is what happens in November. It starts getting dark at like 1500 and is nighttime at 1600 which is a little freaky...

My hand is almost 100% now and I can even do pushups again! You might not believe me but I'm actually sitting at Heathrow International Airport right now waiting to board a flight to Sydney and then Adelaide...! One of my best mates - Dan - is finally getting married to his lovely fiancee Emma in Melbourne early in December. Dan and I promised each other that we would be best men at each other's Weddings many many years ago. So there was no way I could miss it! So I'm coming back to OZ for Christmas and New Year's! Here's where I'll be and when:

Adelaide - 30 Nov to 4/5 Dec
Melbourne - 5 Dec to 10 Dec
Brisbane - 11 Dec to 22 Dec
Adelaide - 24 Dec to 12 Jan
yep, then I'm heading back to Sweden!

Would love to catch up with as many of you as I can during this time however it's not really that long so we'll have to see how things pan out. I'll be driving to Melbourne and Brisbane, Dad is gonna fly to Melb and join me and we're going on an adventure holiday to sunny Queensland (home sweet home!) and there will be body surfing, body surfing and yet more body surfing!!! And some other favourite activities of his and mine also... Stay tuned!

The following pics were taken at Tyresö

The first frost...
This is the view from my window.
The window is made of 3 separate panes of glass
so you can hardly even hear the traffic!
The following pics were also taken
from the apartment or just outside:

This is the same shot as the pic above
but with the flash on so u can actually see
the snowflakes falling!

And again the same shot as above
but with flash
How anyone is supposed to drive on this
I have no idea...

Same shot as above yet again
but with flash
Yeh it was really snowing hard just then...!
You can see on the top of this Volvo
how much snow had fallen during the night.
Just after I took this, the upstairs window opened
and a lady asked me, "Vad gör du?"
I quickly explained that it was ok
and I was just taking a pic of how much snow
had fallen during the night...!
Then I got out of there!
Before she released the hounds!!!
On the way to work with Bennan
Notice the lumps of snow on the bonnet...!
The tyres they use here in Autumn and Winter
have these cool metal studs in them
to provide extra grip when driving on
snow and ice (grip... what grip...!)

Sundström pondering the mysteries of life...
Yes they are Felix the cat boxer shorts...
You never know where they will show up!


Blogger bill said...

OMG you are so hot right now, that shot of you in your boxers, yer baby!

Wish it would snow over here, were going to get like 38'c today, its already about 30 and its not even 8am :(

28 november, 2006 22:53  
Blogger Cerran said...

Nice pic´s. Now i´m longing for the winter!

06 augusti, 2008 08:59  

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